The Way of Adventure
An Unconventional Online Course for Young People

Introduction: Complete

You made it! This is the end of the introduction.

Go reward yourself with a useless website.

This would be a good place to bookmark your progress.

* * *

Here’s an overview of where we’ve been, and where we’re going.


The core concepts behinds leading an adventurous life.

Mission • Success • Interlude • What’s an Adventure? • Intention • Introjects • Authenticity • Action • School • Design


Adventurous people are always learning something new.

? • ? • ? • ? • ?


Design an adventurous career, and you’ll never work a day in your life.

? • ? • ? • ?


Who are you—and why are you?

? • ? • ?


The final challenge.


* * *

Ready to keep going?

I’m so ready.