To live an adventurous life is to constantly remind yourself that one day, perhaps sooner than you think, you will die.
We spend huge chunks of our lives preparing for the future: going to school so we can get into college, going to college so we can get a good job, and working a good job so that we can have a secure retirement, and enjoying retirement so… we can die a peaceful death.
There’s nothing wrong with this kind of future-orientated thinking, and one might say that it’s the foundation of modern civilization. But to live only for the future is folly. You know this.
But it’s also folly to live only for the present. That’s hedonism, and more often than not, it leads to an impoverished future.
So what’s the middle way between living for the present and living for the future?
One timeless approach (which has regained popularity in modern times) is stoicism.
Stoicism, as Ryan Holiday explains it:
…sets out to remind us of how unpredictable the world can be. How brief our moment of life is. How to be steadfast, and strong, and in control of yourself. And finally, that the source of our dissatisfaction lies in our impulsive dependency on our reflexive senses rather than logic.
Read more about stoicism here, and then let’s begin our stoicism-inspired challenge (adapted from the Open Master’s Wayfinder Kit.)
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Imagine that you have passed away, many years in the future after a long, healthy, and fulfilling life. There are many people who have come to your funeral to celebrate your existence here on Earth.
Write the eulogy that your longtime best friend has written and read for you at the funeral.
Some things to think about:
- If you have lived your ideal life, what will your people be saying about you?
- How will they describe your contribution and your character?
- What accomplishments do you hope would definitely be included?
Recognize and give thanks to the many people, surviving and deceased, who have helped or shaped you in significant ways.
For inspiration and guidance, read this moving post (and eulogy) by Dave Craig.
Post your eulogy on your portfolio.
- Maya (Feb 2017)
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